-Study in the field of developing customer services and increasing income through improving productivity
- Knowledge of economic processes, growth rates, market standards and technology according to the system of subscribers and specific subscribers
- Developing achievable goals in order to realize the company's plans in the field of optimally performing activities and increasing income
- Planning in order to properly serve the subscribers based on the established mechanisms
- Updating the systems used to respond to subscribers
- Planning the provision of electronic services to use the technology of new technologies in the system of subscribers and income through
Identification and needs assessment of appropriate methods of providing offline services, determining and identifying required software, monitoring
Mechanization of subscriber processes and requests for existing software updates with the cooperation of a specialized unit
- Request to update the existing software with the cooperation of the specialized unit and use the technology of new technologies in the system
- Cooperate in upgrading the software system in use and managing the software systems of the subscribers and the IT interface with the technology office
- Studying and reviewing new ways of reading and implementing them.
- Examining the request of the applicants for the assignment of water and sewage distribution in cooperation with the counter offices and responding to the clients within the framework
Terms and Conditions
- Dealing with the requests of subscribers and clients and controlling the type of requests related to the lines of the sub-networks and the need to establish reservoirs
Storage and pressure in high-rise buildings
- Knowledge of the conditions of the subscribers, the variety of branches and the regulations related to the installation of branches
- Supervising the assignment, sale, evaluation and audit of water and sewage distributions in accordance with the instructions and circulars
- Examining and revising the way of providing services and activities related to services after handing over the water and sewage branch
- Monitoring regarding the measurement of customer satisfaction with the services provided
- Identifying unauthorized branches and following up legal procedures until assignment
- Preparing analytical reports from the management of the comprehensive system of subscribers, identifying existing discrepancies and providing a suggested solution